Perfect for dessert, morning tea or afternoon tea. Super easy to make.
Baking the bananas intensifies the natural sugars, making it the ultimate healthy sweetie. If you are feeling indulgent, add some golden or maple syrup, just don’t go overboard on the syrup if you are watching your waist line.

- Bananas
- Yoghurt
- Shredded coconut
- Golden syrup/honey/maple syrup/rice malt syrup
- Line a baking tray with baking paper.
- Preheat oven to 200 degrees
- Place peeled bananas on baking tray
- Bake for 30 mins until brown and bubbling
- Serve on a plate warm or cold
- Dollop yoghurt on top and sprinkle with coconut
- Drizzle with golden syrup or similar syrup.
- Sprinkle with chia seeds and crushed nuts.
This dish is low in fat and is a way of getting in your recommended 2 serves of fruit per day.
A great snack which provides sustained, long lasting energy. A low GI food perfect before or after exercise.
High in Potassium, an electrolyte used to conduct electrical currents through all cells and therfore is crucial. Potassium is needed to build strong healthy bones, and has also shown to reduce blood pressure and therefore prevent cardiovascular disease.
Fibre: to maintain a healthy digestive system.
Vitamin 6: bananas are a fabulous source of vitamin B6 which is important in the production of serotonin – a neurotransmitter. Neurotranmitters are hormones which help carry messages from nerve to nerve. Serotonin is very important in the regulation of mood, the learning process and sleep.
I always say ‘a banana a day keeps the bad moods away’. Bananas are natures answer to a happy pill.
And more: Vitamin C, antioxidants and other vitamin B vitamins such as folate, niacin, riboflavin and pantothenic acid.
Packed full of protein and calcium for strong bones and teeth. The protein also keeps to help us feel full, builds muscle and helps to repair damaged cells.
Choose a natural yoghurt with good bacteria such as acidophilus which helps to keep our digestive system healthy. Our favourite is the Bornhoffen brand as it is low in added sugar and contains 3 strands of good bacteria. We also love Jalna yoghurt as it is naturally pot set.
Photo’s and Recipe by: The Nutrition Guru
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Totally Munchable Toasted Muesli (
The healthiest banana icecream you’ve ever seen (
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